We are OPEN for Business Update from Ameri-Brand re: COVID-19 |
As you know, the US and many other countries, have issued orders effectively closing certain businesses and requiring some workers to "shelter in place" at home.
Our facilities are working at full or reduced capacity nation wide. Office staff personnel are temporarily working remotely from home workstations. Although we are answering the phone lines (800-982-6966), our capacity to handle all the calls is currently limited. If you cannot reach us by phone, please connect with us using the General Contact FORM HERE. Because we provide some products & services considered "essential", we are able to continue to work with appropriate safeguards that protect our employees, customers, & vendors. If we can be of any help at all during these tough times, please let us know. We thank you for your continued support! Tim Merino President Ameri-Brand Products Inc. Close This Window |