E. Install the remaining rafters.
If the difference in your longest measurement across the pool to the shortest
measurement is less than two (2") you will not have to adjust any rafter
lengths. With one person steadying the two rafters, the other person
places one rafter set on the next longest measurement on one side.
Then places one rafter set on the opposite side of that same measurement.
With four rafters set in place, the frame will now stay steady. If
you do have to adjust rafters go to Item G.
NOTE: The rafter does not have to be fully
against the center ring of the spider to hold.
F. Finish installing all rafter sets.
See Figure 10
Then go on to STEP 4:
G. If the difference in your longest measurement
cross the pool to the shortest measurement is more than two (2") you will
have to adjust rafter lengths. To trim accurately, you must figure
the difference between the longest measurement and the shorter measurement
of the rafter sets you are installing.
Remember: You have already written down all
of your measurements and the longest measurement is your standard.
Go to your numbering of the vertical supports. #1 is the longest,
#2 is the next, #3 the next and so on.
Going to the sample measurements given of page 4, we have
the following:
#1 measurement is 193 3/4"
#2 is 192 1/2"
#3 is 192 1/4"
#4 is 192"
#5 is 191"
#4 is 192"
#6 is 190 3/4"
#7 is 190 1/2"
Rafter sets for the vertical supports across the pool at
points #2, #3, and #4 are not more that two (2") inches difference from
vertical support #1. They will not have to be trimmed and can be
taped together and installed as in Item E above.
Rafter sets for the vertical supports across the pool at
points #5, #6 and #7 will have to be trimmed down.
Subtract the shorter measurement from the longest measurement
(point #1) and then divide by 2. This measurement is the amount of
rafter that will be cut off each sides of the rafter set. See
Figure 11.

Example: Point #5 is 191"
Point #1 - 193 3/4"
Point #5 - 191"
Difference: 2 3/4" divide by 2 = 1 3/8"
1 3/8" must be cut off the rafter closest to the spider
on each side of the rafter set.
Point #1 - 193 3/4"
Point #6 - 190 3/4"
Difference: 3" divide by 2 = 1 1/2" to be cut from
the rafter closest to the spider on each side of that rafter set.
Point #1 - 193 3/4"
Point #7 - 190 1/2"
Difference: 3 1/4" divide by 2 = 1 5/8" to be cut
from the rafter closest to the spider on each side of that rafter set.
Be sure to deburr inside of the rafters after they have
been cut
If you do trim rafters, each rafter MUST
BE MARKED with the vertical support number according to your
pool measurement diagram on page 5, so that you will remember where each
rafter set goes for future installations.
H. Finish installing
all adjusted rafter sets. See Figure 10, page 11.
A. On the ground next to the pool, assemble
all rafters and Ridge Beam. (Refer to the illustrated parts list
for an example of your dome) Most assemblies will resemble the example
shown in Figure 12 for the Ridge beam and Side Rafter assemblies.