We began working on Internet projects in 1996. The idea of the ability to reach out to millions of potential customers via a single low cost medium was very appealing to us. Since that time, we have grown from a simple internet retailer working in limited quarters to owning our own offices and manufacturing facilites. Many of our products are designed and made here at our Oroville California location. We believe we're on the right track. When the largest players in our industries offer to buy us out, sell out to us, or ask to carry our products in their well known national catalogs, that confirms our beliefs that our business plan is truly working. Our company is debt-free as it has grown out of profits. At this time, we are a privately held corporation. Ameri-Brand Products incorporated on January 1, 2003.
So far, all of our original goals and expectations have been met and greatly exceeded! Having completed Tens of Thousands separate Internet sales transactions, we have grown to be in many cases, the largest manufacturers and providers of specialty products within our selected industries. This year we fully expect to serve over 10,000 additional customers.
Having direct contact with the consumer also keeps us very much "in tune" with what's needed and wanted in the marketplace. When you call or email us, your requests are handled by Full-time, Inhouse staff members that specialize in only 2 to 4 products each. Using this method, our people have been able to master those specific products and use that information to help you make the correct decisions. We encourage you to take advantage of that knowledge.
One of the nice things about having direct customer contact on a daily basis with "end-user" is that Brand New Products are developed as you, the consumer request them. If enough consumers ask for a particular item or solution to a problem and a product is not available, with our own production facilities, we have been able to develop Brand New Products and solutions. We have developed many new products this way.
Many of our new sales are generated by referrals from previous customers. As in typical "bricks & mortar" businesses, an Internet based business can also benefit from an ever growing list of satisfied customers!
We attribute our success to the following:
- Low Prices
- High Quality products
- New Product Innovation -
(many of our products cannot be purchased elsewhere) - An Extremely Knowledgeable Full-Time Staff
- Excellent Customer Service
- Comprehensive and easy to navigate web-sites
We're very pleased that you stopped by our online store. We promise to work extremely hard to meet your expectations in both service and products. Our ultimate goal is to earn your business and keep it.
For those of you whom we have the pleasure of serving, we thank you for your business. For the rest of you, we truly look forward to serving you.
Ameri-Brand Products Inc.