Here are a few tips that will help insure you get the right size Cover for your boat. There's also other answers to common questions. Also, we have application listings for most boats. Just give us a call or Email us and we'll be sure you get the correct cover.

Having trouble measuring? Please see
our boat cover measuring page.
What is the difference between custom covers and semi-custom covers?
Our "How They Fit" page gives a good description of the differences between custom-fit and semi-custom (style of boat) boat covers. Although customs are not available
for every boat, you'll be pleased to know that a good semi-custom cover from Ameri-Brand can often rival the fit of a custom cover.
How do you measure the Beam (width) or Length of a boat?
Measuring Beam Width: Measure the widest point of your boat, including
the rub-rail. Any easy way to visualize how a proper measurement should be
done is to imagine your boat is placed sideways in a vise. If you were to clamp
the vise down on the boat, the measurement(s) would be taken at the
points where the jaws of the vise would first come in contact with the boat.
Measuring Centerline Length: Measure from the tip of the bow to the center on the stern. Add the length of any extensions such as bow pulpits or transom brackets to the centerline dimension.
Also see our boat cover measuring tips.
How far down the side of the boat does the material cover?
"Semi Custom fit Covers" will stretch to fit the beam and centerline plus or
minus 4 inches. This feature allows you a bit of "forgiveness" if
your boat has any unusual (non-factory) items attached.
Custom covers will fit down just past the rub rail. If you need addition coverage, see the Ameri-Brand Boat Skirt.
Are these covers trailerable?
Covers made from 50/50 poly-cotton blend, 100% marine
polyester, and Marine Sunbrella fabrics ARE trailerable. The latter two currently come with a free tie-down kit. Covers made from
100% Cotton (Boat Duck) ARE NOT trailerable.
For complete descriptions of each fabric, see our boat cover fabrics section.
Which of these fabrics are breathable?
Some are more breathable than others. To learn more about our fabrics, check out our "Fabric Descriptions" page. Also, see the question below to learn which fabrics work best in different regions of US.
Which fabric is good for my area?
The answer is here.
Are your covers waterproof?
Most fabrics used for Boat covers and other marine uses are water repellent.
Our fabrics, while not guaranteed 100% waterproof, usually perform well
in repelling or beading of moisture. There are not any true 100% waterproof
covers. This is because when the cover is sewn the machine needle will
cause a small hole in the fabric while depositing the thread. Thus, any
sewn fabric would not be 100% waterproof. The key to keeping water out
is to properly support the cover. See example here.
Do I need to apply water repellent?
The fabrics that we use for our custom covers have a water repellant coating
applied by the fabric manufacturer. In some cases, a new cover may require
a short period for the fabric to tighten around the thread at sewn locations.
As the cover has been in use, it may require that the water repellency
be renewed. We recommend that you do this once every year or two.
Are there reinforcements on your covers?
Yes, On the custom covers they are placed in the most critical wear points based on your boats pattern.
On semi-custom covers they are placed in locations where it is most likely that there will be a wear point.
Do the colors on your covers fade?
The Sunbrella acrylic fabric is very colorfast. Covers that were made 5 to
8 years ago, made from Sunbrella have shown very little if any color change.
The polyester fabric use a different dyeing system, while still very colorfast
they do show some change after several years of use.
How long does it take to get the Cover once I order it?
Our current production schedules are always posted right on our sites. You
can find them here.
Remember these are production times.