Medi-cover Therapeutic Dome Stickers are Available
(Be sure to ask for yours when purchasing your dome)
Pool therapy, Aquatic Therapy and Hydrotherapy are all similar terms used to describe a therapeutic exercise regiment performed in the context of water. Aquatic therapy has many advantages because it promotes muscle relaxation, reduces pain sensation, and decreases muscle spasms. It also helps to increase muscle strength and endurance, reduces the force of gravity on the body, strengthens respiratory muscles, and helps promote a forgiving environment to work on balance and trunk stability (Bates and Hansen 7-8). With all these benefits, it is obvious why aquatic therapy is a preferred method of rehabilitation and exercise for so many people.*
Studies have shown that exercising in warm water promotes positive physiologic changes such as increased respiratory rate, increased metabolic rate, and decreased edema in submerged parts of the body. It also has significant effects on circulation, including decreased blood pressure, increased superficial circulation, increased blood supply to muscle, increased heart rate, and increased amount of blood returning to the heart (Bates and Hansen 6-7). Unfortunately, weather and the external environment often dictate whether swimming is possible, limiting aqua therapy to the summer months and indoor settings for many people. The optimal pool temperature for vigorous aquatic exercise is between 82° to 86°F (Bates and Hansen 28). Heating an open pool to this temperature can be very costly during the winter months and the wind chill going to and from the swimming pool may negate some of the health benefits of the therapy. The reality is that only a very small percent of the population has access to a heated indoor pool. As a result, the majority of people who would benefit from aquatic therapy are forced to suffer through the winter months, making due with less conducive means of rehab.
Aquatherapy with the Ameri-Dome
Luckily, that's where an Ameri-Dome comes in. Many of our customers use pool domes to successfully maintain their aquatic exercise program year-round. Pool domes are highly cost effective (see dome prices), significantly reduce the cost of heating your pool, and simultaneously create a warmer environment around the pool (see the Ameri-Dome Heater). The sheltered environment of a pool dome also allows people to properly dry off and bundle back up before returning to the house, thus eliminating the problem of wind chill. In some cases, an Airlock Entry System can even connect directly to your house, preventing the need to ever step outside! At Ameri-Brand, we can work directly with you in the design process, creating a dome to fit your needs. And we have experience you can trust. Over one third of all the domes we sell are used by people with medical conditions. Our customers include people with Fibromyalgia, Orthopedic conditions, Gait, Balance problems, Over-weight medical exercise plans, Back and joint problems, and the list goes on. At Ameri-Brand, we're proud to sell such a life-enriching product which helps people improve their health and quality of living.
Important Note: We're not accountants, but it has been brought to our attention that in some medical cases, the purchase of a pool dome can actually be a tax write-off. If you need a dome for medical use, check with your local CPA to see if this applies to you.
*This information is not meant to replace the advice or treatment of a qualified physician or physiotherapist. It is meant for information only. Please seek an assessment and discuss your treatment options with your caregiver prior to making a decision about your treatment path.
Medi-cover Therapeutic Dome Stickers are Available
(Be sure to ask for yours when purchasing your dome)

Major Source Used For Aqua Therapy Information:
Bates, Andrea, and Norm Hanson. Aquatic Exercise Therapy. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1996.